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Intro to Coffee (Online)

Intro to Coffee (Online)

Regular price 2.000₺
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Education History

About Education

Introduction to Coffee - Introduction to Coffee Training (Online Training)

At the end of the online training, which will be given by CoffeeNutz® Founder and Authorized SCA Trainer / Certifier Ömer Aydın, a 25-question written exam will be taken and if passed, the SCA Introduction to Coffee Certificate will be awarded. This certificate is worth 10 Points for the SCA Coffee Diploma.

Education Terms

The training will be held between 16:00 - 20:00 and if preferred, the certificate fee will be paid separately. At the end of the following training, the online link of the written exam will be sent to the student.

Class quota is limited to 5 people.

The training date is fixed 5 days before the training and cannot be changed.

Educational content

What is Quality Coffee?

History of Coffee

Understanding Coffee Beans

Introduction to Coffee Roasting

Coffee Freshness Issue

Overview of Coffee Brewing Methods

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